Tag Archives: Kids

School Project Ideas

Jordan Loreto of San Clemente, California used the Squirrel design for a school project. Here he is showing his class how to make a Squirrel.

 “Here’s the attached video and pictures, I love this design, and because it is so quick to build, I used it in my 8th grade report on “rubber powered model aircraft” where I built one in front of the audience. Thanks for such a great design!” — Jordan Loreto

I also received these two pictures of a “Tandem Squirrel” and the above amazing video from Jordan. I must say that it has to be the coolest modification I’ve seen! Flies very well too! Very stable and slow. It’s nice to see this as a school project and also to see such constructive creativity! Great job Jordan!
For more ideas of how you can learn from the Squirrel, please see Educational Activities.