Ondrej “Andy” Mitas from United States:
Darcy, I just ran across your website, pointed there by a friend from Small Flying Arts. A year or two ago I tried to design a highly simplified beginners model, similar to a Peck ROG but more durable.. the plan is still on my website….but your Squirrel outdoes it by leaps and bounds. You have solved a number of the usual beginner problems with FF models by brash ingenuity, and the resulting model flies great and *actually looks good too,* a rarity for beginner models. Pretty incredible. I definitely salute your talent and insight. Please keep the free plan on the site, so my flying buddies and I can use it to seduce others into the hobby!
all the best
Ondrej “Andy” Mitas
art, music, airplanes
Thanks Ondrej!
I guess you’ve discovered exactly why I made the Squirrel design! To make it easier for us to share and lower the friction to the new adopters of our awesome hobby.