Category Archives: Experimental

You can tear tissue to reduce need for sissors!

I did a workshop for the Leadership Ottawa group on Friday night (see Gallery).

At the step where I tell people to cut the Fin and Stabilizer from the tissue for mounting on the Motorstick, I observed a lady tearing the tissue using the motorstick as a guide! Wow! What a cool idea! It worked very well and she didn’t have to go looking for a pair of scissors!

This makes me wonder if there’s a way I can eliminate scissors all together?


Improved way to mount a wing on a free flight airplane

I’ve been working finding better ways of doing things and I found an alternate way of mounting a wing on a stick model. As you can see in the picture, I added a six inch piece of 1/16th inch balsa to the motor stick. I made it perpendicular and top aligned. This also works with one on each side of course, in which case you can leave the motorstick upsidedown on the talbe to dry so ensure that everything is top aligned.

Another report from George Clark.

Submission from George Clark:

Sending along a photo and a short video of a new plane. Just testing it, but results on only 200 winds are promising. The plane has an 18 in. wingspan, 4 in. chord and weighs 20 grams, including rubber. Prop is hand carved and just 5 in. I feel the plane could better use a 7 in. prop, which I also have. More testing to follow. George

Round Model Airplane

Here’s another submission from George Clark!

I have another for you. This is the Flying Circle. It has a 24 in. diameter wing, if you want to call it that and no rear stabilizer. It was a bit dicey to construct since I had to bend the wing frame into shape. The wing was also flimsy, as a gust of wind broke the leading edge on both sides. I had to reinforce the leading edge and put struts underneath for support, which threw out the c/g. It is now front heavy, so I will have to move back the prop assembly an estimated 3 in. The wing loading is .11 grams/sq. oz! Cheers George Clark