Category Archives: Education

Toronto Squirrel

Alon of Toronto sent me this Squirrel he made with his (nearly) 6 years old and my (nearly) 2 years old daughters.

Alon is involved with  ‘Pueblo Science‘ which helps children by delivering an engaging, fun experience with science, without the buzz and props that make such activities inaccessible for so many around the world.

Our initial (and still our main) focus lies in the Philippines, which similarly to Bangladesh, suffers from science education deficiency, mainly prominent in rural areas, far from large cities which enjoy most of the economical drive driven by governments.

Recently, we have begun to mirror our work to our local environment, Toronto Canada. Although the setting is vastly different, there are still many children in Toronto that lack the financial privilege to access enrichment activities such as summer camps and after school programs. We hope we can make a difference here, as we do in the Philippines.


Crozet Islands Squirrels

I was mentioning that a box of Squirrels was shipped to Crozet Islands. They have arrived. In fact they arrived on the same boat that my new friend Wen was on. Seems logical when you think of it. There wouldn’t be regular mail service. It’s very windy there so it will be a while before we get a calm day for flying Squirrels. I grabbed a few pictures from Wen’s blog.

Shipment to India

Some sample model planes just arrived safely in India. I enjoy sending models to far away places. You learn a lot about different areas of the world. I sent some lubricant so my new friend Dinkar (who is a school teacher) can try for some higher duration flights.

This is the second attempt. They always seem to explode. I think it’s the low pressure during the flight across the ocean.

I think for now the best bet is to keep the soaked plastic and transfer it to the rubber bands. You only need a couple of drops per elastic. This must be done after the elastics are tied of course you’ll never make a knot with this stuff on the elastic. In fact, I never lubricate the knot in case it penetrates the knot.