After a quick building session heading for the gym.
I was very relieved to make the Squirrel. I didn’t have to do any pre-gluing and children were still able to complete and fly the models.
So we were impressed by the simplicity of the model in building and its solid flight characteristics. Obviously an excellent first model for a building class, and you are to be congratulated on this contribution to the hobby.
—Steve Bachanek and Tom Skoropad, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, February 1, 2005
I started doing workshops in community centers.
I was well converged on the Canarie model plane for beginner workshops. I used the Sig Cub as a demo since it was great for outside and inside.
I recruited assistants from my circle of friends.
Here’s Anabel helping me with a workshop and having some general fun.
Back in 2004, I used the Don Ross Canarsie Canarie design for some of my workshops.
I was able to get a volunteer team together and conduct workshops in alzheimer wards and such. We would give two choices: To join the model airplane activity or a singing activity.
We had a lot of fun. Here are a few shots.