All posts by Darcy

Bringing model planes to everyone

I met up with my friend Nicole and her friends. We bounced around the pub with some Squirrel planes.

Interestingly it was the ladies and not the gentlemen who went for making planes.

Nicole and I are bringing the Squirrel into a walk-in center for homeless people in Sandy Hill area of Ottawa. Lots of other ideas on the drawing board.

The Foam Squirrels go together pretty fast. I put three of them together while juggling beer without too much trouble. I think if I could come up with some interlocking parts for the foam, that would make for something very accessible by many.

Foam Squirrel Experiments

I did more foam experiments. Here I made a few of them at the pub. This young lady decided to decorate the planes with the markers I had floating around.

I had the markers with me with that in mind. I was starting to volunteer at a walk-in center for homeless people and I thought making planes and decorating them would be fun. These experiments proved not only that it is fun but the foam planes are very robust.