All posts by Darcy

Boxes made from recycle cardboard

Did you know that the boxes used for shipping Squirrel model airplanes are made by recycling cardboard?

Boxes of the right size are collected from two different sources and they are then cut down to fit the “box-o-matic” which cuts them into templates. Here are a few pictures.

In these pictures you can see two different box sizes stacked almost to the ceiling.


Lots happening [Squirrel News]

Hello Friends!

There is lots to report as I’ve not sent an update in some time!
1) Lasers! Squirrels are now cut using CNC laser which is a form of robotics using a C02 laser cutter. This means there is complete flexibility in manufacturing. Design changes and new designs are now much easier than ever. Further, another CNC laser is on order. It will arrive at Montreal Harbor early in the new year and will add redundancy and capacity as it has a large cutting area.
2) Squirrel Airfoil. For you aeronautical types, there is a Squirrel with a thick airfoil here ( As it turns out the current record for duration is held by one with a flat wing (with the paper on the bottom) like in the kits ( Go figure. 🙂 Actually if you want to do some figuring, it’s to do with the viscosity of air. 🙂
3) There is a print version of the instructions. It’s in the form of a handbook. This may replace having me come into classrooms!
It’s about 20 pages long so it will make life easier for teachers and people who don’t have internet in their class or don’t want to memorize the steps of making a Squirrel.
I will roll out new policies for volunteer work as well. It will include photo release (so I can share what I’m doing) and a few other changes.
4) CNC foam cutter. I am building a hot wire cutter that will be computer controlled. It will open some new doors up for experimenting and making. This will be great for walkalong gliders (
5) Robots! As many of you may know I’ve moved into art in a big way. It’s still incubating but I’m experimenting with stuff like this robot that draws ( And this Glut Rooster ( Lots more coming down the pipe including a robot that can paint and lots of other fun stuff.

Darcy Whyte

Inventor, Artist

Squirrel Airfoil

You can add a thick airfoil to your Squirrel with just one piece of balsa that is the same as the leading and trailing edge.

Here’s an old document that shoes an easy way of doing it.

In a nutshell you run a spar from winglet to winglet. You attach it to the front of the winglet so it braces the winglet. You cover the top and bottom of the wing with tissue.

You can notch it to go over the wing handle or remove the wing handle. It could be installed before the wing handle and then the wing handle sliced so one piece is ahead of the spar and the other is behind the spar.


-It strengthens the winglets by bracing them.

-It reduces wing warp.


-It’s more work.

-Nobody has proven the extra steps are worth it.